Clarify Your Message So More Customers Engage
Create a clear message and 5-part marketing plan for your business at the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream
There are just seven messages you need to create
to connect with more customers
It’s a fact — businesses that clarify their message and build a sales funnel are the ones that thrive in the marketplace. At the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream, you’ll get both done in 48 hours AND get real time coaching in an online breakout room to make sure that you’re getting it right.
- Get coaching and feedback on your message from StoryBrand Experts
- Create the only 7 messages you need to grow revenue for your business
- Get access to live sessions from Donald Miller, Dr. J.J. Peterson, and more!
- Clarify your marketing in just 48 hours and know you’re doing it right
- Do all this from the comfort of your office or living room!
- Create a 5-part sales funnel that will boost revenue now
What Makes the Workshop So Special?
It’s All About the Coaching.
On the Livestream, you’ll have access to a StoryBrand Expert throughout the workshop to make sure you get your message and marketing plan right.
- Get instant feedback from your coach in virtual breakout rooms
- After the 2-Day Livestream, you’ll know you’re doing it right
- Finally feel confident about your message, website, emails and marketing plan
- Leave with a plan you can immediately implement
Size: 6GB+
Donald Miller – The StoryBrand Online Marketing Workshop 2021 Contains: Videos, Pdfs
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