What You Get:
Topics Covered
- Why advertisers aren’t succeeding on TikTok ads
- Winning with TikTok creative
- Hook creation and the TikTok thumbstop ratio
- Storyboarding winning TikTok creative
- Content creators, how to source them, and how to succeed with them
- Ideas for new TikTok creative
- How to use data to optimize creative process
- Creative testing
- Scaling winning TikTok creative
- How often to update creative based on spend
- TikTok Creative Marketplace
- Winning with TikTok ad copy
- TikTok ad account structure – setup through optimization
- CBO vs. ABO
- Winning audiences on TikTok ads and who/what to target
- TikTok ad landing page optimization and testing
- What type of data TikTok ads need to succeed
- Measuring TikTok ads success
- TikTok sales attribution and how to measure it
- Where TikTok lives in the customer journey funnel
- Organic TikTok and why it’s important to TikTok ads
- Branded content, whitelabeled content, and TikTok influencers
- Optimizing TikTok ads using other platforms like Google Analytics, post-purchase surveys, and more
Section 1: TikTok Ads With David Herrmann
- TikTok Webinar with David Herrmann
- TikTok Webinar Q&A with David Herrmann
Section 2: TikTok Ads with Cody Plofker
- TikTok Webinar with Cody Plofker
- TikTok Webinar Q&A with Cody Plofker
TikTok Ads Talk with David Herrmann & Cody Plofker: Videos
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