The Fastest, Least Expensive, and Easiest Way to Increase Your Sales is With Email But…
Almost everything you’ve learned about email marketing is wrong. Read this letter and discover the secrets for writing emails that get opened, read, and acted on so you can mind the gold sitting in your business right now.
From: Dave Dee
Wednesday, 10:05 AM
Dear Friend,
It used to be pretty simple. We had a choice of direct mail, display advertising, Yellow Pages and, for some, radio and television.
Today, we are bombarded with new, “hot” marketing methods almost daily. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google content network, AdWords, banner ads, LinkedIn, SEO, podcasting and much more. It’s enough to make even the most zen-entrepreneur pull their hair out by the roots.
Email is the ONLY marketing method that’s ultra-easy to use, doesn’t require you to pay an expensive expert to run, is nearly free, only takes minutes a day to implement, and is 100% proven to get consistent results in the three key areas of business: converting leads to customers or appointments, retaining customers and generating referrals.
But No One Reads Their Email, Dave!
The death of email marketing is not only greatly exaggerated, but it is also a downright lie! Here are the cold, hard facts that should warm even the biggest skeptic’s heart:
- There are over 6.32 billion email accounts. This figure is predicted to reach 7.71 billion by 2021 which is a growth of more than 22% – Radicati Group (2017)
- 72% of consumers say that email is their favored conduit of communication with companies they do business with. 61% say they like to receive promotional emails weekly and 28% want them even more frequently. – MarketingSherpa
- 66% of consumers have made a purchase online as a direct result of an email marketing message – Direct Marketing Association
As you can see, email is alive and kicking, but most entrepreneurs don’t get results with email because…
Most Emails Suck!
I agree with marketing guru, Dan Kennedy, when he says that “the number one marketing sin is being boring.” And most of the emails I receive, and I’m sorry to say, most of the emails you probably send, are real snoozers.
The subject lines are boring so no one opens the email. The first sentence makes people fall asleep and hit the delete button. The body of the email is either content-rich or a straight pitch – both of which send your email directly into the bin. (Yes, “content-rich” emails are just as bad as pitch-only emails.)
However, if you write emails to your list the RIGHT way, they will:
1. Get opened. Your subscribers will eagerly look forward to receiving your emails and complain when they don’t receive them. (Yes, that’s hard to believe but it’s true.)
2. Get read. Like a good radio or television show, your subscribers will be enthralled and eagerly consume your every word. (Don’t worry if you don’t consider yourself to be a “writer,” I’ll show you how easy it is in a minute.)
3. Get acted upon. Naturally, this is the most important part. If you want to make sales, people will buy your product. If you want to book consultations, requests will come flooding in. If you want to generate referrals, all you need to do is ask.
And you’re marketing cost for all of this goodness? Practically ZERO. Your time investment? Literally minutes a day.
Not All Marketing Methods Work for Every Type of Business…Other Than Email
Whether you sell business to business or business to consumer…Whether you are a coach, consultant, attorney, health care practitioner, therapist, writer, information marketer, or restaurant owner… Whether you sell high ticket items or low ticket items… email should be part of your marketing mix. Not doing so is a sin because of the huge benefits and ease of use. Using email in your business is the biggest no-brainer in the history of earth.
But There is a Problem and a Solution
Since you’re still reading, you are obviously intrigued, and hopefully, a little bit fired up about how email marketing can add loads of shekels to your bank account. But you might be wondering, “How exactly do I go about doing this correctly so I see measurable results?”
Well, you could try to figure it out on your own by scouring the Internet for hours, looking for free information by self-proclaimed experts. My guess is you’ll never get around to actually doing it or give it shot, not see results, and give up in frustration.
That would be a shame because done correctly, email will rock your business world and definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, help you grow your business.
The other option for quickly seeing results is to follow my simple but effective and predictable methodology. And my guess is, you want fast results, so let’s talk about…
The DEEmail Profit System & Toolkit: The Easiest, Fastest, Least Expensive Way to Make More Money
This program doesn’t just show you how to write emails that get opened and acted upon, it gives you the tools to do it with. This means you can get started immediately.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll discover:
And much, much more…
Plus, you’ll get the answers to your most pressing email questions such as: How often should I send an email? What is the best day? What is the best time? What is a good open rate? And more.
In addition, you’ll participate in the Nine-Minute Email Writing Challenge. I had the live participants at a workshop do this and they wrote stunning emails in just nine minutes. You’ll hear their emails and be stunned by the email you write as well!
This online course includes:
Plus, you receive the bonus report, “20 Subject Line Templates That Breakthrough Inbox Clutter & Get Your Email Opened”. Discover the psychology of writing subject lines and get fill in the blank templates you can instantly use without straining your brain.
You can get instant access to the DEEmail Profit System & Toolkit via my newly optimized online training center. No waiting for something to be mailed to you. Access your program anytime, anywhere.
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