How do top freelancers charge $100/hr, $250/hr, and even more?
Let me show you.
What you’ll find inside
Raise Your Rate Masterclass
How to double, triple, or even 10x your rate
(without fear of rejection)
- Why you need to forget everything you know about “getting a raise” to succeed at freelancing (or how to avoid the “Corporate Pricing Trap” many freelancers inadvertently fall prey to)
- The psychological, strategic, and tactical differences between asking for a raise at a “day job” vs commanding more money in your freelancing business (you need to know this even if you’re brand new to freelancing)
- My simple pricing method for skyrocketing your rate quickly, virtually effortlessly, and most importantly with zero risk (I personally used this approach to boost my rate over 900% within my first year of freelancing alone)“
- Why you should (counterintuitively) avoid going for small raises from your clients, and how to get BIG ones instead
- Why you shouldn’t wait to command the type of money that EXCITES you to work in your freelancing business each week
- How to influence the real “gatekeeper” who decides how much you charge (hint: it’s not the clients)
- The biggest pitfall most freelancers fall into when going for a raise, and how to avoid it
- The surprising way freelancers get stuck at a certain rate and end up “plateauing” there (even if they seem “successful” on the surface)
- Why repeat customers — great as they are — usually don’t lead to a high freelancing income (and the secret ingredient you need to add to the mix in order to GROW your rate exponentially)
- The subtle role price “anchoring” plays in how much you charge — and how to use it to your advantage
- My answer to, “What do I do if/when clients see I used to charge so much less than this??”
- The surprising role your price plays in client satisfaction (hint: the clients who pay the least are usually the most unhappy — and the hardest to work with)
- A real-life example of how I successfully used my Rock Climbing Method to increase my rate by 33% from a single client (I was able to earn $2,000 for about 3 days of work)
- My benchmark for determining if you’re charging enough each month and year
- And more…
How top negotiators get more — consistently and predictably
- Why negotiation isn’t as scary as it seems
- How you can master negotiation quickly and easily without being “slick” or aggressive (and, in fact, avoiding all of the negative stereotypes…and having fun with it)
- My secrets for closing more deals, faster than my competitors (they usually don’t know what hit them — one minute the client is talking to them, the next minute they’re hiring me!)
- How I negotiate with clients for more than just money (for example, I routinely ask for more relaxed deadlines, up front payments, and much more)
- How to use negotiation as a tool to earn more money, get more respect, and even stand out from your competitors
- Knowing when to save time and walk away (most people get this totally backwards and it probably costs them hundreds of thousands of dollars or more over the span of several years)
- How a good negotiation strategy makes you more attractive to clients, in addition to earning you more money per client
- Getting past the “Hollywood” myths of negotiation — and knowing what to really expect as a successful negotiator
- How to spot good negotiation opportunities (which your competitors will likely miss)
- Why the advice of “building value in your services” or “selling the benefits of working with you” is a misguided way to approach negotiation with clients — and what you should do instead
- The surprising truth about what a healthy, successful negotiation looks like (hint: it’s not “you vs them”)
- Why a single successful negotiation can easily make up for a few duds, and then some
- The requirements for a successful negotiation, and how to set yourself up to achieve them
- My one, counterintuitive “demand” for every negotiation I enter into
- Why discounting and negotiation aren’t the same thing and should never be confused with one another
- How to win at negotiating without having to resort to lowering your prices
- The sad truth about freelancers who offer discounts, and how to use it to YOUR ADVANTAGE
- And more…
What to do when clients say “Too expensive”
- The absolute first thing I do whenever a client tells me I’m “too expensive” for them
- Why clients are often BS-ing when they say they want to pay less — and what to do about it
- A real-life case study of how I overcame a client’s price objection in 5 seconds, even though he initially told me he didn’t want to pay my full rate (I even included screenshots of our actual conversation so you can see exactly what happened, word for word)
- Why all price objections aren’t created equal, and how to assess and deal with each one (this is extremely simple once you know what to look for)
- Real examples of various objections you might encounter, and what to respond
- How to know with virtual certainty when you can confidently say “NO” to a request for a discount and still get every penny without an ounce of further resistance
- How to figure out when clients are bluffing about their price
- Why and how I ALWAYS get clients to give me something (or even multiple things) in return any time I make even a small price concession
- The simple step most freelancers accidentally skip when negotiating with clients (this is a very costly mistake, yet easy to avoid)
- The most important factor in any freelancer/client negotiation, and how to harness it and use it to your advantage
- How to know when a discount might be your best option (I virtually never offer discounts, and this is the only time I would ever consider it)
- The one situation where you should NEVER talk a client into a higher price, and why
- How to keep clients’ expectations from going too high (so you can feel confident they’ll be happy with your work without ever feeling pressured to deliver “the moon” to them)
- Specific words and phrases you should look out for when negotiating with clients — what they really mean, and how to respond to them
- My 2 ironclad rules for discounting (if you ever lower your price by even a dollar, and don’t follow these rules, you’re setting yourself up for failure)
- Simple guidelines for taking all of the guessing out of negotiating with clients
- How to get the upper hand in just about any negotiation situation
- Why clients don’t like it when you’re a pushover, and what to do instead
- The one thing I ALWAYS ask clients before I even THINK about discounting my services (even if it’s only a few dollars!)
- The simple trick that allows me to practically always refuse to lower my price, even by a dollar (yet still land the contract with 99.9% certainty)
- Why I don’t impulsively jump to lowering my price for a client right away, even in cases where I’m considering it
- How to avoid the trap of “negotiating against yourself”
- And more…
Playing offense: How to bump clients to a higher price (with zero risk)
- Why negotiation shouldn’t be used only as a defense, but as an “offense” strategy where you actively look to get more (this flies in the face of the typical freelancer “scavenger” mentality of “taking whatever you can get”)
- How to figure out when clients are willing to pay more than they initially told you
- How to bump clients to a higher price without risking them walking away
- The exact words I use to get clients to happily pay more than they intended (including screenshots of real messages we’ve exchanged that led to more money for me)
- 3 rules for getting clients to not only pay more, but be happy doing it!
- How (and why) I often haggle for more money even in situations where I’m prepared to accept the client’s initial offer
- The “professional poker” trick that results in more freelancing income with less risk
- My fail-safe method for what to do if a client politely refuses to pay more
- A real-life case study of how I got a client to happily pay 10-20x what my competitors charge
- How to turn even generous offers from clients into MORE generous ones (you can increase your income by thousands each year this way)
- Why your price demands don’t come across the way you think they do — and how to fix that quickly and easily
- The counterintuitive negotiation style I recommend (hint: it flies in the face of typical “Hollywood” negotiation portrayals, and will leave you and the client feeling great and energized)
- Why I practically never make “demands” when negotiating with clients, yet still make sure I get exactly what I want
- And more…
How to discourage haggling with my “Breadmaker Approach”
- The simple misunderstanding that leads most freelancers to suck at negotiating
- The surprising truth about why haggle over price (hint: it usually has nothing to do with how much you charge)
- How to give clients a price quote in a way that avoids them asking for a lower price in the first place
- My simple approach for avoiding haggling in all but the most extreme situations (and setting you up to win even on the rare occasions haggling does happen)
- Why getting this wrong can easily make clients forget about you (if you’ve ever had a conversation go dead after a proposal, this is probably the reason why)
- How “all over the place” pricing from your competitors affects the way clients think about your price — and what to do about it
- The strange trick that turns your price from “too expensive” to completely reasonable (this takes almost zero additional effort yet it makes the client perceive your price in a much more favorable way)
- The biggest fear clients have about your price — and how to calm them down (even if your price is 5x, 10x, or 100x what another freelancer is offering them)
- How to avoid going on the “defensive” when a client brings up your price
- The #1 mistake freelancers make when giving clients price quotes (and what you should do instead)
- Real examples of how I give price quotes designed to get a “YES” from clients
- How I use a well known psychological principle that is proven to get clients to pay more (even though virtually none of my competitors know about it, let alone use it)
- A deadly mistake that can make all of the above backfire — and how to avoid it!
- And more…
How to deliver price quotes that get an instant YES
- The scientifically backed method I use to get clients to pay more, consistently and predictably (this actually takes less work than the way most freelancers do it, and it’s way more effective — a huge win-win situation for you)
- How fear of commitment prevents clients from saying yes, and how to overcome it quickly and easily
- The one question you should always avoid, even though just about every freelancer asks it in one form or another (your competitors will continue to make this mistake, even long after you have corrected it)
- How to make even seemingly large prices easy for clients to agree to (instead of hearing the dreaded “let me think about it” and then never hearing back from them again, ever)
- Real examples of successfully “framed” price quotes I’ve personally delivered to clients (and gotten an emphatic “YES” to)
- How to quote prices to clients in foreign countries that use different currencies (this makes a huge difference, yet practically all of your competitors will never even think about it)
- How to warm clients up so they’re more ready to say “Yes” when you quote them a price
- My simple trick to turn the power balance to your favor, so you’re always negotiating from a position of strength, and never one of weakness
- The exact words I use to get clients to agree to higher than average or even premium prices (you can use them, too, word for word if you want to)
- And more…
Word-for-word script for getting a raise from an existing client
This is an exact script I’ve personally tested with my students for getting existing clients to pay you more. You can even copy and paste it word for word if you want to. Raising your rate doesn’t have to be hard — let’s keep this as simple as possible.
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Danny Margulies – Raise Your Rate Masterclass: Videos, PDF´s
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