Cash Flow Freedom University is a comprehensive curriculum for the real estate entrepreneur, with focus on creative finance. For your convenience, the information delivered in 20 Audio Seminars, as well as almost 180 pages of text. All of the content is based on my years of personal experience as a Real Estate Investor.
Ladies and gents, real estate is easy to see, but very difficult to visualize. Perspective is what separates successful people from those who never achieve their potential in this game!
The Cash Flow Freedom University curriculum is packed with case-studies of actual transactions from my career.
I offer practical and actionable advice based on real-world knowledge concerning deal analysis, property management, property maintenance, tenant qualification, negotiation, and of course – creative financing and acquisition methods!
I teach you to think. I teach – Perspective…
Money Fundamentals I & II
- About Ben
- Why People Struggle Financially
- Currency, Money, and the Folly of Inflation
- IRS Defines 3 Types of Income
- Does Your Cash Flow?
- Multiple Income Stream Strategy
- Asset vs. Liability – It’s a Simple Matter of Cash Flow
- The Expensive Truth of Your Expenses
- Budget Woes
- Keeping Track – The Financial Statement
- First Step to Financial Freedom – Live Below Your Means
- Net Worth vs. Cash Flow: And the Winner Is…
- The World of Investing, and Why I Chose Real Estate
- Tenets of Financial Freedom
Module I
Basics of Real Estate
1. Key Advantages of Real Estate Investments
2. Financing of Real Estate – Your Social Life
3. Gauges of Investment Return in the World of Real Estates
4. The Financing Packet – What to Bring When Asking for Money
5. Real Estate is a Team Sport
6. Philosophy of Wealth in Real Estate
Module II
No Deal Is Good Enough If It’s Not The Right Deal
7. Basics of Value in Real Estate
8. Value as a Function of Desirability From Your Tenant’s Perspective
9. Value as a Function of Desirability From The Owner’s Perspective
10. Value as a Function of Desirability From The Owner’s Perspective (Continued)
11. Cash Flow Analysis
Module III
Creative Finance My Way
12. Creative Finance My Way: Part 1
13. Creative Finance My Way: Part 2
14. Creative Finance My Way: Part 3
15. Creative Finance My Way: Part 4
Module IV
Mechanics of a Purchase
16. Mechanics of The Purchase: Part 1 – Where the Money Comes From
17. Mechanics of a Purchase: Part 2 – Expandability and Terms
18. Mechanics of a Purchase: Part 3 – Walk Through Check List & Offer Calculation
19. Anatomy of a Flip
20. 12 Steps to Get You Started
Bonus Materials!
I’ve included Beta version of my proprietary CFFU Cash Flow Analyzer software with this offer. I believe that the most important step in the process of acquisition of investment real estate is analysis, and this software will simplify and enhance your ability to successfully analyze income-producing real estate. Once you input all of the parameters, the software will calculate vital metrics such as the monthly and annual Cash Flow, monthly and annual NOI, DSCR, and the achieved CAP Rate.
Furthermore, based on your inputs, the CFFU Cash Flow Analyzer will also compute the value of the proposed investment utilizing both the GRM and the CAP Rate methods.
CFFU Cash Flow Analyzer Demo
In addition, I’ve also included complementary Excel spreadsheets. I programmed these for my own use and I believe you will find them very useful in analyzing your personal finances, as well as real estate transactions. Included are:
The Walkthrough Checklist and Offer Calculator
The Financial Statement Worksheet
SIZE: 540 MB (Audios, Pdfs)
Ben Leybovich – Cash Flow Freedom University 2016 Contents: Audios, Pdfs
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