The PTM Video Series 2.0 is the follow up program to the PTM 1.0 Video Series that was launched in 2013 and delisted in March 2021. The program has been updated and remastered. The course content has doubled in size. The PTM is the core Educational Program at ITPM focusing on a full Professional Trader systematic process in the U.S. StockMarket. The PTM Video Series is by far the most comprehensive Trading Program on the market available to Retail Traders globally.
What are the differences between all of the ITPM Online Video Series programs?
The suite of ITPM Online Video Series programs are high level Professional Grade educational Video Series’ that are broken down into formats that are understandable to Retail Traders globally. All courses are designed to deliver a Professional Trader level education to Retail Traders so that Retail Traders can implement and emulate the same approach as used by Professional Traders at Hedge Funds and Investment Bank Proprietary trading desks in their Retail Brokerage Trading Accounts.
The suite of ITPM Online Video Series programs are high level Professional Grade educational Video Series’ that are broken down into formats that are understandable to Retail Traders globally. All courses are designed to deliver a Professional Trader level education to Retail Traders so that Retail Traders can implement and emulate the same approach as used by Professional Traders at Hedge Funds and Investment Bank Proprietary trading desks in their Retail Brokerage Trading Accounts.
Course 1 – Introduction to Professional Level Trading (IPLT) Video Series
The IPLT Video Series is the perfect introduction into how Professional Traders strategize in order to take advantage of U.S. Stock Market Volatility utilizing the methods of Long / Short Portfolio Management. This course is ideal for Retail Traders globally that are seeking a more Professional approach and consistent profitability in their trading accounts. The IPLT Video Series is a Masterclass in Asset Volatility assessment for Opportunity and Risk. The IPLT Video Series is the educational foundation of the approach taken in Financial Markets by all Professional Traders.
Graduates of the IPLT Video Series only have the right to become an Institute Trader if they have passed the exam of the PTM Video Series as well. The PTM Video Series is THE pre-requisite educational course at the Institute in order to become an Institute Trader and join the Institutes global community of highly educated Retail Traders. By taking this course and passing the exam, any Retail Trader in the world can then apply for Becoming an Institute Trader. However, ITPM students that take the IPLT, PTM and POTM Video Series will be much better prepared to trade live with real money in their trading accounts than a student who has only completed the PTM Video Series.
For More info, check out: Anton Kreil – IPLT Introduction to Professional Level Trading 2021
Course 2 – Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM) Video Series (This Post)
The PTM Video Series is the flagship educational program at ITPM focussing on a full Professional Trader systematic process in the U.S. Stock Market. The PTM Video Series is by far the most comprehensive Trading Program on the market available to Retail Traders globally.
The PTM Video Series covers a full Top Down (Macroeconomic) / Bottom up (Microeconomic) Systematic framework with specific focus on the Stock Market (Equities). The PTM Video Series is the perfect educational course for Retail Traders aiming to take the same approach as Professional Traders in their Retail Brokerage accounts and for university students seeking employment in the Hedge Fund or Proprietary Trading side of the Investment Banking Industry.
The Professional Trader approach is taught in the PTM Video Series by utilising 80% Fundamental Analysis and 20% Technical Analysis and Price Action overlay with Professional Risk Management and Trader metrics utilized. Applied Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Fundamentals are directly drawn on from the Professional Trader world, whereby the Fundamentals used are frequently handled in the reverse way to the way in which Retail Traders perceive they are used. This set of disciplines taught in the PTM Video Series also applies to Technical Analysis, Price Action and Risk Management. Many of the disciplines taught to Retail Traders relating to Fundamentals and Technicals are simply wrong and Professionals actually see and use these disciplines in totally the opposite way to the way in which Retail Traders are generally taught. The PTM Video Series deals with this in a systematic way and re-programs Retail Traders into the way of thinking of the Professional Trader to enable a much higher probability of long-term consistent profitability in Financial Markets.
Graduates of the PTM Video Series have the right but not the obligation to become an Institute Trader once they have passed the exam of the PTM Video Series. The PTM Video Series is THE pre-requisite educational course at the Institute in order to become an Institute Trader and join the Institutes global community of highly educated Retail Traders. By taking this course and passing the exam, any Retail Trader in the world can then apply for Becoming an Institute Trader. However, ITPM students that take the IPLT, PTM and POTM Video Series will be much better prepared to trade live with real money in their trading accounts than a student who has only completed the PTM Video Series.
Course 3 – Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) Video Series (Will Be Posted Soon)
The POTM Video Series is the perfect accompaniment to the IPLT Video Series and the PTM Video Series. Once you understand Volatility and how to calculate and assess it properly (IPLT), when you have learnt and understood the Trade Idea Generation process in the U.S. Stock Market, Risk Management and how to run your trading account as a business (PTM), it is time to learn how to structure Trade Ideas utilizing Equity Options to provide you with further edge as a trader and superior ROI in your trading account.
The POTM Video Series takes you through multiple directional Options Trading strategies in the U.S. Stock Market that you can use to build Long / Short Portfolios of Equity Options structures to take advantage of underlying Equity moves in the 20-60 Day time horizon i.e. your Trade Ideas.
The POTM Video Series really is the icing on the cake to your education at ITPM. The directional strategies you will learn in the POTM Video Series in order to leverage your trade ideas are what sets apart the returns of the best Professional Traders versus the average returns of decent Professional Traders. The directional strategies and structures you will learn in the POTM Video Series can easily be replicated in a Retail Trading Account.
Graduates of the POTM Video Series only have the right to become an Institute Trader if they have passed the exam of the PTM Video Series as well. The PTM Video Series is THE pre-requisite educational course at the Institute in order to become an Institute Trader and join the Institutes global community of highly educated Retail Traders. By taking this course and passing the exam, any Retail Trader in the world can then apply for Becoming an Institute Trader. However, ITPM students that take the IPLT, PTM and POTM Video Series will be much better prepared to trade live with real money in their trading accounts than a student who has only completed the PTM Video Series.
Course 4 – Professional FOREX Trading Masterclass (PFTM) Video Series (Will Be Posted Soon)
For serious Retail Traders that want to further expand their knowledge of applied Macroeconomics, the PFTM Video Series is heavy with a Fundamental data driven Professional Trader level approach that can add big returns to your portfolio over time. Using the Professional Trader approach, FOREX positioning is not frequent like in Equities, however this approach can provide outsized returns if you know how to apply properly.
The PFTM Video Series is a Top Down Multi Asset Class Systematic Framework, however unlike the PTM Video Series that provides a generalist framework and concentrates specifically on the U.S. Stock Market (Equities), the PFTM Video Series concentrates specifically on the global Currency (FOREX) markets. No Bottom Up overlay (Microeconomic) framework is required when taking a Systematic Professional Trading approach in the FOREX Markets. The PFTM Video Series teaches students exactly how Professional Traders at Hedge Funds and Investment Banks utilise Macroeconomics in order to build a robust and repeatable Systematic Framework for assessing trading opportunities specifically in the FOREX markets. Applied Macroeconomic Fundamentals, directly drawn on from the Professional Trader world, whereby the Fundamentals used are typically handled in a totally different way to the way in which Retail Traders perceive they are used. This set of disciplines taught in the PFTM Video Series also applies to Technical Analysis, Price Action and Risk Management. Many of the disciplines taught to Retail Traders relating to Fundamentals and Technicals are simply wrong and Professionals actually see and use these disciplines in totally the opposite way to the way in which Retail Traders are generally taught.
Graduates of the PFTM Video Series only have the right to become an Institute Trader if they have passed the exam of the PTM Video Series as well. The PTM Video Series is THE pre-requisite educational course at the Institute in order to become an Institute Trader and join the Institutes global community of highly educated Retail Traders. By taking this course and passing the exam, any Retail Trader in the world can then apply for Becoming an Institute Trader. However, ITPM students that take the IPLT, PTM and POTM Video Series will be much better prepared to trade live with real money in their trading accounts than a student who has only completed the PTM Video Series.
The PFTM Video Series is designed as a “bolt on” Video Series program for Retail Traders that want to learn how to trade FOREX in addition to the most volatile Asset Class (Equities) in order to increase their Opportunity Set. However, the PTM Video Series is the core ITPM Educational Program for a reason. This is because it is the foundational approach taken by Professional Traders.
Student of ITPM would be advised to complete the IPLT Video Series first, then followed by the PTM Video Series and then the POTM Video Series before they become an Institute Trader. These 3X programs are actually pre-requisites for all Institute Traders before they start an ITPM Trader Mentoring Program. The PFTM Video Series can be taken later (perhaps 6-12 Months) after Retail Traders have been proven to make money from the foundational disciplines taught in the IPLT, PTM and POTM Video Series.’ However If a Retail Trader wants to jump staright into the PFTM Video Series that’s OK too. However, they will not be allowed to become an Institute Trader unless they complete the PTM Video Series.
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