How To Build Profitable Chat Bots & Get Paid To Do It
Chat bot campaigns are 4x – 8x more profitable than emails
You can charge $1000 to $6000 per bot campaign
Chat bots are the new email
“Learn How People Like Mary Are Making $12,000+/mo Building Bots For Businesses.”
Hi, I’m Andrew Warner, founder of Mixergy
After graduating from college, I built and sold an online greeting card company that did over $30 million in sales, and then built into the most respected business interview site where I help entrepreneurs learn from people like Gary Vaynerchuk, Barbara Corcoran, & Joe Gebbia (founder of Airbnb).
For years I interviewed founders, and they kept telling me how email marketing is the most effective thing they do.
But the more I talk to them in private, the more they’re admitting that it’s getting harder to collect email addresses and build an audience, and harder to get people to open emails and even harder to get real sales from email.
Have you noticed that, too?
I’ve seen the same thing with our marketing emails.
Bot Academy includes:
Week 1: How to build your bot (If you can use MailChimp or Aweber, you have the technical skills to do this)
Even if you don’t know how to code, in this step-by-step video screencast, I’ll show you how to setup your first campaign, add messages, drip it to your audience, and follow up. You’ll be building your bot alongside me.
Week 2: How to write your chat bot script (that converts super high, and is designed to sell).
In this module, I’ll show you how to write short-form, persuasive copy…even if you’ve never written sales copy before.
Plus, you’ll learn a tip we discovered for increasing click rates by 20% and how to create a funnel that leads to a sale.
Week 3: How to get people to opt-in (And get signups 4x to 8x cheaper/faster).
I’ve seen a lot of people who build great bots…but no one signed up. So then they think bots are a waste of time, when really, they screwed up. You can’t expect someone to come to you and subscribe to your bot. You have to promote it. In this module, we’ll show you how.
You’ll learn how to do one-click subscription, how to automate it, how to incorporate your bot with your other marketing campaigns, and more.
Plus, we’ve written custom code to that increases bot subscriptions even more. You’ll get lifetime access and clear instructions on how to use this code, exclusively available to Bot Academy students.
Week 4: How to get clients (Like how we trained Mary to get to $12,000/mo in less than 4 months).
The secret is showing your potential clients just enough so that they understand how bots work and see how it’ll deliver a clear ROI, but not so much that they get overwhelmed. We’ll show you exactly how to do that, along with how to do a demo that closes the sale.
You’ll also get a template you can use inside Pipedrive, a sales management app, to help you close sales and stay accountable.
Week 5: Advanced Optimization (We’ll work directly with the group to improve everyone’s bots and give personalized help when needed).
This is where we go deeper into bots. We’ll show you how to add more intelligence to your bot, how to combine different bots, how to mix bot platforms, how to get tracking data, how to collect payment, and more.
Still have some questions?
Here are the answers to the most common questions I’ve been asked about Bot Academy.
Q: I don’t use Facebook or messaging personally, so how can this really work?
A: A: That’s okay. Because other people DO use it. The Facebook Messenger app has more than 1.2 billion monthly active users (not downloads, *active* users), so you’ll be reaching a huge market.
And think about it like this…
When email was a new thing, lots of people said, “I never use email. Why not pick up a phone?” Now pretty much everyone uses email on a daily basis. The companies that jumped into it quickly seemed crazy at first, but they were able to lock in subscribers fast.
Q: Why Does Facebook Want Businesses To Use Chat Bots?
A: Facebook is actively trying to get businesses to use chat bots because it keeps people on the Facebook platform. This means they WANT Messenger Bots to catch on!
It’s actually CRITICAL to Facebook’s business. They are running out of ad space on their main platforms and need a new place to serve ads, which they will eventually do with Messenger.
Feels good to know Facebook wants help you sell chat bots to businesses, right?
We’re going to focus this course on reaching customers inside Facebook Messenger because Facebook is encouraging this. They want the Messenger app to replace email. Already 1.2 billion people use it every month. Now they’re encouraging companies to reach people via Messenger to increase the app’s lock in.
That’s why they worked with PayPal to send receipts via Messenger. And enabled TechCrunch to send their articles via Messenger. And why they keep trumpeting all the possible ways companies can use Messenger instead of email.
Q: Do chat bots annoy customers or do customers like them?
A: We’ve found that customers actually PREFER these messages over email in huge numbers, but only if they are written right.
Mixergy Email Click Throughs: ~20% Mixergy Chat Bot Click Throughs: 85% (that’s INSANELY high for clicks)!!!
For one thing, the messages are shorter and easier to read than email. Also, it’s a lot more interactive and fun, since you can add buttons, gifs, and more. And finally, readers can unsubscribe from anything in Facebook Messenger using one swipe.
Not only do we teach you best practices so you can avoid feeling spammy and intrusive, we’ll show you how to create bots that people LOVE and even SHARE. We make sure we train people to use short messages and send only helpful content that customers want.
We’re not in the business of spamming people, and never promote practices that would annoy customers.
Andrew Warner – Bot Academy: Videos, PDF´s
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